Friday, July 16, 2010

it's funny how things happen, and I do extend my sincere apologies

I see irony everywhere, and none more than the fact that I announce I am going on hiatus only to find that I have blogged more in the past month than I have in the last year. It seems like with that one post, and with all the free time I have from my current university holiday, I'm rediscovering my interest in all things creative, all over again. Guess when I said sooner rather than late,r I really did mean much much sooner. So maybe I want to live in both the house and the loft after all.

And then, on a more serious note0 to those who have previously contacted me:
I really would like to extend my sincere apologies for being extremely terrible at replying emails! I feel terrible! I don't mean to, but none the less, I am because I didn't check that address very often. (That is, however, not an excuse at all!) But I have since grouped all my email accounts together, so will be much much more diligent in it! For all those who emailed hoped for a prompt reply, I am sorry. I know some of you (advertisers, fellow bloggers et al.) contacted me ages ago, and as I can't tell who is still waiting for a reply from who has since moved on... if you would kindly email me again, I will reply back this time! Promptly too! Promise!
All my love and sorry again,

Maybe I was too quick in saying it....

Zara in Australia appears to be coming sooner rather than later! The article in The Australian seems to be quite convinced that Zara is coming in 2011! That's next year! And that H&M is looking into the Australian market. Oh yes, thank you. We're finally getting some of the goodies that our Northern Hemisphere have had for what seems like forever- I can't believe the difference in climate has been such a barrier to entry!

But we shall have to wait and see if something sudden delays them (I'm rather skeptical about time frames in general) and let's hope the prices will remain uniform, i.e. that Zara does not increase its prices to match the comparatively pricey Australian fashions. Along with the great styles that Zara can bring us, maybe the stronger competition can be a form of natural price regulation?
Cred: The Australian